Wave of Life Ministries
Equipping and mobilizing believers to their full potential
About Tom and Suzie

Tom and Suzie have been serving in full time ministry for over fifty years. They have founded and directed ministries, which have sent missionaries to four continents. They have also served as pastors for two congregations.
They challenge their listeners to totally commit themselves to the Lord and to finding their place in the body of Christ.
Joel and Katie Milgate | Lead Pastors Curate Church
Tom and Suzie have been working with our church for more than Ten years. They have added incredible value and deposit to our team and church as a whole on every trip. They have been with us more than 15 times of our history and we have found them to be faithful, loyal, encouraging and always bringing something fresh. They go about their ministry in a humble and compassionate way and we would not be where we are today without their investment into us.
The Road | Serving, Praying, Together
The Road is a come as you are environment consisting of real people seeking God. No matter what walk of life you come from, no matter where you’re at in your journey with God, our doors are open.
We’re all about serving. We’re all about praying. The Road is about establishing genuine relationships in the community.
Bruce Stratton | Kingdom School of Ministry, Director/Teacher Vineyard Community Church, Laguna Niquel, CA
Tom and Suzie Brock are a loving couple who are simply empowered Evangelicals. They love each other and the Church. Tom and Suzie carry an anointing as a couple that is very rare in the Church today and minister well prophetically and compassionately to individuals as well as teach Biblically and passionately to large groups.
David Cannistraci | Lead Pastor GateWay City Church, San Jose
Tom and Suzie Brock are friends for life. God has used them to help our church in significant ways and at key times. In my experience, they always bring a great challenge, a deep refreshing and a true wave of the Holy Spirit. I’m especially grateful for their down to earth style, their love for all people and their uncommon longevity in ministry around the world.
New Generation Church | Making Good Things Happen
We are a church who love God, believe in Jesus and care about people and we are excited about serving our local community. Generosity, fun, friendship and family are things we love! Currently we are meeting at Blackfen Community Library. We aim to offer a fun, welcoming and dynamic place to call home for people of all ages and walks of life. You are very welcome to join us for our Sunday Morning Gathering. We are part of the Pioneer Network of Churches. Paul Weston is the Church Leader alongside an Oversight Team.
Harvest Christian Church
Harvest is simply all the incredible people God has positioned to be part of it over the years. And all glory is truly His for what has transpired in and through this local body of believers as we have set out to take ground for Christ and His Kingdom. Our greatest desire is to see Harvesters fully released into their destiny in Christ, living victoriously through obedience to His Word, leading a life in His Spirit, and making a difference to the world in which we live.
Cause Way Church
CauseWay Church began as an interdenominational church in the 1930s, meeting in a small kauri church building, built in 1907.
The Church originally came under the umbrella of four mainstream churches from outside the area, who provided oversight and accountability. In 1981 the church became an autonomous entity, with an elder-led leadership. This system of governance continued until 2005 when Colin and Anne Chitty were appointed as Senior Pastors.
Mountain Springs Church
Discover a place of spiritual renewal and heartfelt connections at Mountain Springs Church, located in the vibrant city of Colorado Springs. Join us as we gather to worship, learn, and serve God together.
Curate Church
Whether you find yourself new here because you are interested in Jesus, have just started following him or have moved from another place or space, welcome! We count it a privilege to be able to journey with you, and we pray that your life will be filled with the type of love, joy, peace, and purpose that can only come from Jesus.
The Life Church | Pastor Mike and Carola Hendricks
Pastor Michael Hendricks has been serving as senior pastor of The Life Church since 2001. He and his wife, Carola, began in ministry in their early 20’s as youth pastors. From Montana to Arkansas and then Idaho, they pastored and mentored youth for 18 years before accepting the senior pastor position at The Life Church.
Mike has a passionate but practical style of preaching that will challenge you week after week to draw closer to Jesus and follow God’s leading day by day. Carola has led music ministry for children, youth and adults since she was 18 years old and still loves to lead people into God’s presence through worship.